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HubSpot CMS Website Design & Development Case Study

Smarter Sorting

Technology Industry

Who is Smarter Sorting?

Smarter Sorting is the first scalable data platform to understand consumer products down to their core physical and chemical attributes, giving you the data and insight on how to best manufacture, move, market, sell, and handle them throughout the supply chain.
Technology Industry

Who is Smarter Sorting?

Smarter Sorting is the first scalable data platform to understand consumer products down to their core physical and chemical attributes, giving you the data and insight on how to best manufacture, move, market, sell, and handle them throughout the supply chain.
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Introducing Sorty

Through the website and branding project, we helped introduce the world to Sorty, Smarter Sorting's new mascot. He was used throughout the website in creative ways to make the website more engaging and fun (something that is sorely missing in their industry).

Custom modular sections

Another addition to make the website more friendly, approachable, and engaging was the addition of a new custom HubSpot CMS module for each section of their website. This gives the website a modular feel and includes subtle and fun animations for each section throughout the website.

Phenomenal Performance

We all know that attention spans are the shortest they've ever been. That is why we set out to create a light, fast, and impressive website. We accomplished that and then some with the Smarter Sorting website!

Growth Driven Design

Through a robust Growth Driven Design (GDD) process, we are continuing to improve the user experience, design, layout, and content on the Smarter Sorting website while focusing on conversion rate optimization. This is accomplished through A/B testing, heatmap and analytics review, and in-depth hypotheses.